From 30 May to 06 June 2021
Rolf-Dieter ARENS
Day of Arrival: 30.5. Teaching: the morging: Departure: 6.6. after breakfast; Small concert 5.6. Lessons: 300 EUR Full Boarding: 670 EUR Chatel to the Airport: 30 EUR Airports: Trevise or Venice Train stations: Oderzo or San Dona di Piave-Jesolo Busstations: Piavon, Oderzo, San Dona di Piave Airports: Treviso or Venice; Train station: Oderzo or San Dona' di Piave-Lido di Jesolo; Busstation: Piavon di Oderzo, see; Minimum participation: 6 students Minimum age: 18 years (or accompagnied)