From 29 August to 06 September 2021
Fees of 950 EUR covering lessions, full boarding, use of pianos and bicyclette.
It is obligatory to respect the rules hygienique
If the Masterclass has to be cancelled due to Covid rules of the italian government, expenses for the flights will NOT be reimboursed. Please, provide yourself with an insurence.
Arrival an 29.8. in the afternoon or 30.8. in the morning.
Departure 6.9. before lunch.
Transfers to Marco Polo Airport or the station of San Dona.
It is obligatory to respect the rules hygienique
If the Masterclass has to be cancelled due to Covid rules of the italian government, expenses for the flights will NOT be reimboursed. Please, provide yourself with an insurence.
Arrival an 29.8. in the afternoon or 30.8. in the morning.
Departure 6.9. before lunch.
Transfers to Marco Polo Airport or the station of San Dona.